Redefining Third-Party Cybersecurity Risk

The Tenchi Conference 2024: Shaping the Future of Third-Party Cyber Risk Reduction– was a resounding success!

This conference, which has become the largest in Brazil dedicated to third-party cyber risk management, brought together distinguished keynote speakers and highly experienced professionals, including CISOs, DPOs, procurement experts, and others. It was a day full of valuable opportunities to learn and engage in discussions about the latest advancements in the cybersecurity industry. A truly remarkable event, and we’re already looking forward to the next one!

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Tenchi Conference

Tenchi Conference: Talks


Real Cases of Third-Party Risks from the Perspective of Regulatory Authorities


Turning Risks into Advantages: The New Era of BPO Management in Financial Institutions


Quantification of Operational Risks Including Cyber Risks


TPRM Guardian: Enhancing Data Protection and Cyber Risk Management for Critical Business Partners


The Evolution and Challenges of Cyber Insurance


How to Manage the Constant Need to Monitor and Anticipate Third-Party Risks?


The Cyber Poverty Problem in The Supply Chain


A CISO's First Principal Analysis

Tenchi Insights

Here's a selection of short but insightful interviews recorded during the Conference: